Son of a Pitch
You know those deep adult regrets you suddenly find you have at 4 in the morning, without any rhyme or reason? “Why didn’t I ask her out”/”Should I have studied harder in college?”/”Why, god, why did I think a 2am burrito was a good idea?!” My biggest one lately is “Why didn’t my parents get me into singing earlier?” It’s like, I could be a star at this point – I love singing, but unfortunately never could get past the nasally-tinged, prepubescent tone of my voice. I’m blaming mom and pop for the shitty genes not allowing me to be the next Drake.
Fortunately for the Bellas in the Pitch Perfect series, their parents loved them enough to get them singing so well they could tour the world with their acapella group. Must be nice! Then again, Universal Pictures loved us enough to put a couple of our songs in their movie, as well as create the hit rap song “Bend Down” by Pimp-Lo, a rapper with questionable skills that Anna Kendrick’s character sings alongside of in the very beginning of the movie. If I can’t sing, I can at least rap like a white boy, and that’s good enough for me.
Check out a trailer below!